10-Page Letter Diddy Wrote To Judge Reveals His Desperate Attempt To Stay Out Of Jail

Diddy Sean Combs attends Invest Fest

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Sean Combs, AKA Diddy, was denied bail on Tuesday, after being indicted on charges of sex trafficking, racketeering, and transportation to engage in prostitution charges.

Not that he didn’t try, really, really hard.

In the rambling 10-page letter written to the judge asking for bail, Diddy and his attorneys tried to make him sound like the most cooperative alleged sex trafficker and abuser to walk the face of the Earth.

“This letter will walk the Court through a series of actions taken by Mr. Combs over the past six months that prove that he is not a risk of flight or a danger to anyone in the community. These actions prove that Mr. Combs is eminently trustworthy,” the letter begins, laying it on thick already.

“The first thing the Court should know is that when it became apparent to his counsel that Mr. Combs would at some point soon be formally charged, he did something extraordinary: He left his home in Miami and travelled to New York, the very location of the prosecutors and agents investigating him,” the letter continues.

Diddy and his attorneys then boasted, “This was not the first action Mr. Combs took to show his trustworthiness and lack of flight risk. Indeed, it is part of a pattern since even before the March 25, 2024, searches on Mr. Combs’ residences. Mr. Combs and his counsel have been fully aware that the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York has been conducting an investigation involving allegations concerning Racketeering and Sex Trafficking, and other offenses. Knowing for these many months that he would be indicted, Mr. Combs has done everything (as will be set out below) to work with the prosecutors in ways that are unusual, if not unprecedented.”

They then laid out his offer to the court.

sean combs diddy letter to court requesting bail

Southern District of New York

In bold, underlined type, Diddy and his attorneys next laid out, “The History of This Investigation Shows a Great Degree of Collaboration Between the Government, Mr. Combs and His Counsel Which Should Weigh Heavily in This Court Releasing Him on the Conditions Proposed.”

To show how much the alleged sexual predator has already suffered, Diddy and his attorneys wrote, “The searches of the residences were unusually public and particularly heavy-handed. The agents had assault rifles trained on the heads and the chests of his children, who were then handcuffed and brought before news cameras and a press helicopter.”

They also pointed out just how good Diddy has been about not leaving the country, the attorneys explained that they took his passport away from him and “we have, in fact, maintained the passports, and Mr. Combs has not, in fact, left the country – despite knowing the investigation was ongoing, despite having a plane at his disposal, despite not being charged with any crime.”

Oh, and Diddy is also planning on selling his plane anyway, so there’s that too, according to the letter.

They also talked about how “challenging” it has been for Diddy to find “a one-month rental” in New York City so he could be in the area because he knew his “arrest was imminent” and wanted to make it easy on the feds.

The letter blames “the numerous events occurring in New York City in September (e.g., the US Open, Fashion Week, and the UN Summit), and
some landlords’ discomfort with having Mr. Combs as a tenant given the investigation” for their difficulties in finding him a home in NYC.

The lawyers, for some reason, also noted that they took possession of the passports of Combs’ mother and his four daughters.

“Mr. Combs’ history and characteristics are best demonstrated by the way he has responded to this investigation from the very inception to his most recent decision to travel to New York when his lawyers told him that the case could soon be starting,” the letter continues. “He has never run from a challenge, and he will not run from this one. Instead, he takes these challenges head on, he moves toward them confidently and with the assurance that right is on his side. These are not merely the words of his lawyer. Rather, the actions of Mr. Combs over the last several months conclusively prove this.”

Also in his defense, the letter discusses “his demonstrated contributions to society in several important areas,” including giving “generously over his entire life to charitable causes.”

He also has “been proactive in health and disaster relief efforts” and “few people have done more to advance the cause of black people in the music, entertainment and fashion industries.”

The judge, unfortunately for Diddy, didn’t buy it and he was denied bail.

He instead went with the letter that the U.S. Department of Justice wrote and decided to keep him in the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, current home of Jeffrey Epstein confidante Ghislaine Maxwell.

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.