While Hugh Jackman’s version of Wolverine went out on an unbelievably high note with 2017’s Logan, there is some semblance of disappointment amongst fans that Hugh Jackman stepped away from the iconic role just prior to Disney’s acquisition of Fox.
Following Disney’s acquisition of Fox, iconic characters such as Deadpool, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men (Wolverine included) went under the control of Marvel Studios, which allows for these characters to appear in future Marvel Cinematic Universe films.
Unfortunately for Marvel, though, Jackman retired from playing Wolverine before they ever got their hands on the character. However, according to recent rumors, the studio is still trying to figure out a way to work Jackman back into the fold.
As we’ve previously reported, a “Secret Wars” arc is rumored to be in Marvel Studios’ plans going forward, and if that’s the case, they’re hoping to get Hugh Jackman back in the role of Wolverine for the project.
We’ve already told you that the studio would like Jackman back in the role if he’s willing to return and while they’re also considering offering him the part of Doctor Doom if he doesn’t want to reprise Wolvie, we’re now hearing of another rather interesting idea. Though this is only being discussed internally at the moment, we’ve been informed by our sources – the same ones who told us that the Inhumans will be rebooted, Taskmaster will be the villain in Black Widow and a Nova movie is in active development, all of which we now know to be true – that Feige is thinking of asking Jackman back for Secret Wars.
Yes, as you may have heard, Marvel is in the early stages of developing a movie based on one of the most famous comic book arcs, and if Jackman were to appear in it, he’d be playing a Wolverine from another earth. As our sources put it, “he’ll have a one time role as Wolverine from the Fox-verse, since the movie features characters from the Marvel multiverse coming in to fight each other.” [via We Got This Covered]
While it’s unlikely that Marvel Studios can get Jackman back in the role full time, if it were a one-off project such as Secret Wars, you’d imagine that Kevin Feige and the Marvel powers that be would be able to convince the beloved Australian actor to don the claws for one last epic ride.
And if Jackman does balk at the idea of playing Wolverine again, Doctor Doom would certainly be a worthy consolation, as there’s no question that Jackman would crush that role.
Eric is a New York City-based writer who still isn’t quite sure how he’s allowed to have this much fun for a living and will tell anyone who listens that Gotham City is canonically in New Jersey. Follow him on Twitter @eric_ital for movie and soccer takes or contact him eric@brobible.com