Spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame yet, which seems kind of dumb to have to say since if you haven’t seen Avengers: Endgame then why are you clicking on this article in the first place? But I digress…
Since you are here, let’s talk about an A+ new Avengers: Endgame meme that appeared on r/MarvelStudios, the Reddit page that is “dedicated to discussing Marvel Studios, the films and television shows, and anything else related to the MCU.”
Assuming that you have seen the movie, then you are well aware of what happens when Hulk gets his hand on the Infinity Gauntlet and snaps his fingers: everyone who Thanos snapped out of existence was brought back, right?
Well, what if the Infinity Gauntlet misunderstood what Banner/Hulk was asking it do? What if it took his request to restore things back to how they were was taken literally by the stones?
I think it would have looked a little something like this…
[protected-iframe id=”a20edd74b9df595e926d552689d583c0-97886205-92827192″ info=”//embed.redditmedia.com/widgets/platform.js” width=”640″ height=”890″ class=”reddit-card”]
Whoa… looks like the Infinity Gauntlet took Hulk’s wish a little too far back. That’s Edward Norton as the original MCU Hulk and Terrance Howard as the original MCU Rhodey!
I wonder who else this miscommunication may have affected?

20th Century Fox
Cap? Is that you? Quick, someone put Steve out!

20th Century Fox
Uh oh…

20th Century Fox
Jean? You look… older.

20th Century Fox
So do you Magneto.

20th Century Fox
Did you get taller, Mystique?

20th Century Fox
Why does Beast now look like a fictional radio show host?

New World Pictures
Punisher? I don’t even recognize you.

20th Century Fox
Oh no. Okay, make it stop now.

20th Century Fox