Focus Features
What is the tricky word that you have trouble spelling? Think there are three “e” letters in the word “separated?” Do you get sloppy when you try to spell “diarrhea?” You are not alone. Declan Cashin, a current writer at BBC who formerly worked at BuzzFeed, posed the following question on Twitter: “What’s a word that you always struggle to spell, no matter how many times you have to look it up or rely on spellcheck?” He admitted that he has a brain fart when trying to spell “deodorant” correctly.
Twitter was more than happy to reveal the words that they can’t spell to save their lives. Some of the words included “miscellaneous,” “rhythm,” “guarantee,” “bureaucracy,” “vacuum,” “restaurant,” “millennium,” and “diarrhea,” but many responses are from Britain where they spell the butt gravy “diarrhoea.” Where did that “o” come from?
— sinéad (unfunny version) (@reiltin1994) January 24, 2019
Mine is Rhythm. Or diarrhoea. In fact I sometimes just dictate it into the phone.
— T (@Tarjy) January 24, 2019
Bureaucracy. I tried 12 times there. Had to look it up eventually
Queue— Brian Devlin (@BDevlin1) January 24, 2019
I always spell restaurant as “Restauraunt”
— Johnathan C. White (@johnathancwhite) January 24, 2019
— Callsign “Non” (@NonPratt) January 24, 2019
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English teachers all over the world are currently banging their head against the wall.
Reader’s Digest recently put together a list of their most misspelled words they struggle with. The words that are most misspelled include “indict,” “sacrilegious,” “ingenious,” “minuscule,” “Wednesday,” “bologna,” “nauseous,” and “orangutan.” You can see the 15 hardest words to spell HERE.
Oxford Dictionary put together their list of “23 Difficult Words To Spell,” which include “accommodate,” “cemetery,” “conscience,” “embarrass,” “Caribbean,” “occurred,” and “recommend.”
I’ll leave you with this great clip from the movie Bad Words starring where he is asked to spell “floccinaucinihilipilification,” which is the longest non-technical word in major dictionaries and the 29-letter word means the action or habit of estimating something as worthless. The longest word in the English language is “pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,” which is a lung disease contracted from the inhalation of very fine silica particles. You learned something new today.