Multiple witnesses across rural Wisconsin captured video of strange UFOs shooting across the night skies from different locations.
Footage of the UFOs was taken by several independent witnesses around West Bend and Fredonia in rural Wisconsin on December 1.
The Daily Mail reports that the witnessses “did not know each other and filmed the lights at the same time from different locations, according to their video metadata.”
Two of the witnesses, Kimberly, 52, a salon owner from West Bend, and Ken, 54, a former police officer and financial services worker in Fredonia, shared their footage with the Mail.
“All of a sudden we saw what looked to be a white owl swoop from the upper right hand top of the trees, down in front of the headlights, and up to the left,” Kimberly told DailyMail.com.
She and her husband were driving home at around 10:45 p.m. when they saw the lights.
“And as we’re both leaning forward into the windshield, we start seeing these lights, similar to what I caught in the video,” she said. “We just couldn’t wrap our heads around what we were seeing.”
Ken shot his UFO video at the same time as Kimberly only about five miles northeast of her.
Another witness, Andrea Lynn, wrote on social media about a similar UFO sighting on Facebook. She was located 80 miles north and her sighting took place around 7 p.m.
“Has anyone in the Green Bay area seen the random groups of lights in the sky flying around? Any idea on what they are?” she asked.
“I reached out to the National Weather service, and they told me they saw the same lights again a week later.”
The next day, teacher Chris Nowak was about 35 miles away when he too saw similar odd lights in the sky at around 6:55 p.m.
“I’ve really never seen anything like it before,” Nowak told DailyMail.com. “It was like a row of illumination through the clouds, and it would pulse through the sky incredibly quickly.”
After stopping to film the phenomenon, Nowak says “it shot through the clouds and broke off into like three different beams from there. It moved at an incredible speed. It cleared down to the edge of the entire sky very, very quickly.”
He, like Kimberly, dismissed the idea that the UFOs were just spotlights.
“I’ve seen spotlights, we’ve taken our kids to Disney,” he said. “You see spotlights on clouds… That just has a much different look than what we were seeing.”
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When asked about the strange UFO footage shot by multiple people in Wisconsin, former FBI agent Ben Hansen, host of the show UFO Witness on Discovery+, “Not only is there no evidence that any advertising spotlights have recently been permitted or used in this very rural area, the intensity and speed of the lights doesn’t comport with conventional technology.”
A meteorologist and a Milwaukee Federal Aviation Administration controller both stated that they saw nothing on their radars during the UFO sightings in Wisconsin.
“These latest sightings are kind of reminiscent of the ‘Foo Fighter‘ lights that were described by pilots during WWII or the lights that buzzed Washington D.C. in 1952,” said Hansen.