Bar In Ocean City, Maryland Shows Off Drinking Inner Tubes For Social Distancing


America: Land of a free, home of the brave. A place of hard work, ingenuity, and versatility – especially when it comes to socially distancing while boozing at the bar.

With the summer months approaching, many around the country are fatigued from months of social distancing and stay-at-home orders to flatten the curve from the COVID-19 pandemic. Wisconsin bars were packed immediately last week when a judge blocked the state’s Stay At Home orders. A restaurant in Colorado had its business license suspended after it defied the state’s Stay At Home orders and was packed to the gills on Mother’s Day.

Tensions are clearly rising over the matter as the weather improves around the country and Americans are forced to reckon summertime fun being cancelled.

Meanwhile, a popular bar in Ocean City, Maryland came up with an innovative way to combining imbibing at the bar with social distancing. Late last week, Ocean City lifted its ban on hotels and rentals before the traditionally busy Memorial Day Weekend. The boardwalk at Ocean City was packed with visitors on a beautiful Saturday, according to local media reports.

Fish Tales, a popular Ocean City seafood restaurant and bar known for being “a little slice of paradise in OCMD”, showed off giant intertube contraptions on carts.

A few patrons paraded them around, drink in hand.

Is it a stunt made to go viral? Or is it for real?

Can 2020 possibly get any stranger?

The Fish Tales social distancing bar video:

Meanwhile, on Twitter, the move is being praised as “the most Ocean City, Maryland thing ever” (it truly is).


While others inquire about how everyone will go to the bathroom:

I, personally, would love to know how you play beer pong in such a thing.

Can’t wait to see more of this in action at Fish Tales in Ocean City, Maryland.


Here’s another angle:




Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, writing on this site since 2009. He writes about sports, music, men's fashion, outdoor gear, traveling, skiing, and epic adventures. Based in Los Angeles, he also enjoys interviewing athletes and entertainers. Proud Penn State alum, former New Yorker. Email: