These Videos Of Penguins Roaming Around A Closed Aquarium Are Exactly What The World Needs Right Now

penguins roaming closed shedd aquarium chicago

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As someone who is hopelessly addicted to Twitter and has consequently been unable to stop paying attention to an increasingly depressing news cycle over the past few weeks, it’s safe to say I’m currently not in the best headspace, and while I thankfully don’t have an abnormal temperature, I’ve begun to succumb to cabin fever after deciding to essentially sequester myself in my apartment over the last few days.

I started making some preparations last month as more and more writing began to be scrawled on the wall just in case the shit ended up hitting the fan, and while I have plenty of food on hand and all of the essentials needed to celebrate the most depressing St. Patrick’s Day I’ve ever experienced, there wasn’t really an adequate way to get ready for how stir-crazy I currently am.

I thought I’d at least have sports to help take my mind off of things but certainly didn’t anticipate virtually every league in existence putting things on hold or canceling their slate of games entirely. Thankfully, I have a couple of video games I’ve been meaning to get around to and 24 unwatched episodes of Bar Rescue on my DVR but I’m still constantly searching for things that will help me get my mind off the incredibly sorry state of the world.

As I mentioned, Twitter hasn’t exactly been the most beneficial resource when it comes to escaping reality for a bit but I did manage to recently find a brief respite in a feed filled with doom and gloom in the form of some fucking adorable penguins.

As large public gatherings become increasingly frowned upon, businesses around the world have been forced to close—including the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago, which opted to make the best of an incredibly shitty situation by letting a couple of rockhopper penguins named Annie and Edward roam around the exhibits to give the world the brief hit of joy it so desperately needs.

Thanks, Annie and Edward. I needed that.

Connor Toole avatar and headshot for BroBible
Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible and a Boston College graduate currently based in New England. He has spent close to 15 years working for multiple online outlets covering sports, pop culture, weird news, men's lifestyle, and food and drink.