I like to think the closest I’ll ever come to being the victim of a pyramid scheme is deciding to pay for an annual subscription to MoviePass upfront last year back before the service started limiting the movies you could see and instituted a surge pricing policy that hasn’t really been going great so far. Things might not be going so well for the company right now, but even if it ends up Madoffing itself, it’s inspired a number of other apps that have some serious long-term potential.
One of those is an up-and-coming service called “PintHub,” which was launched two years ago by a couple of guys who set out on a truly noble quest to bring more free beer into the world. For a little less than the price of a pint at a beer bar that thinks a little too highly of itself, you can snag a free beer every single day— as long as you’re in the cities it currently serves.
According to The Austin American Statesman, PintHub founders Drew Zerdecki and Joah Gonzalez started testing out the service in Dallas after creating the company in 2016 and have recently expanded to Austin after the pilot program turned out to be a success. MoviePass has received a fair amount of backlash from some movie theaters but PintHub doesn’t have the same problem, as participating bars stand to make a profit from giving away beer thanks to factors like food sales and customer retention.
MoviePass might be on the brink of disaster, but I have a feeling PintHub is just getting started.