Police Report Reveals Gruesome Details About Jeremy Renner Being Crushed By Snowplow

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According to a newly released police report, Avengers star Jeremy Renner was trying to save his nephew when he was crushed by his snowplow on New Year’s Day.

The report by the Washoe County Sheriff’s Office in Nevada reveals, “The Pistenbully snow groomer began sliding causing Renner to exit the vehicle without setting the emergency brake.”

Also in the report, obtained through a public records request by CNN, police state, “Although the Pistenbully had some mechanical issues, it is believed based on our mechanical inspection that the parking brake would keep the Pistenbully from moving forward. When Renner attempted to stop or divert the Pistenbully to avoid injury to (his nephew), he was pulled under the vehicle by the track and run over.”

“The Pistenbully rolled over him and continued down the road,” the report reads. “He laid on the ground and focused on his breathing while (his nephew and others) rendered aid to him until medical personnel arrived on scene.”

The report also states that “mechanical issues may have been a factor in this accident” because the brake indicator light inside the snowplow was not functioning.

The incident began on New Year’s Day, when Renner towed his nephew’s truck off the actor’s driveway after it had been stuck in snow, he told investigators on January 5 while hospitalized, according to the incident report.

After towing the truck into the street, the snowplow began “sliding sideways,” then “it began to roll down the hill,” Renner said. At that point, Renner jumped out of the snowcat, he told investigators.

Several portions of the report reveal some disturbing details regarding the injuries Jeremy Renner suffered in the accident.

“He feared the Pistenbully was going to hit (his nephew), so he decided to attempt to stop or divert the Pistenbully,” the report reads.

It was at that point that Renner attempted to re-enter the snowplow by stepping up on to the moving track, but was “immediately pulled under the left side track.”

911 call audio revealed that Jeremy Renner was “completely crushed under a large snowcat (vehicle)” and was having trouble breathing because “the right side of his chest … collapsed – upper torso [was] crushed.”

The 52-year-old actor said in a recent Instagram post that he “broke more than 30 bones,” but otherwise was in good spirits and was already working on his recovery.

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Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.