Post Malone Predicts How The World Will End, Discusses What Ghosts Really Are

Post Malone in concert performing

Getty Image / Sacha Lecca

Post Malone is widely regarded by anyone who has ever met him as one of the nicest people in all of show business.

He’s arguably done more to dispel negative stereotypes about face tattoos of any man alive just be existing. And in his latest interview, Posty is in peak form revealing the onion layers of his personality and depths of him as a person.

Austin Richard Post ‘Malone’ was the latest celebrity guest on the immensely popular ‘Last Meal’ show on the Mythical Kitchen YouTube channel. They truly spoke about everything under the sun, including existential threats to earth’s existence, if ghosts are real, and he told a funny story about a fan who was extremely anti-profanity.

At 5:58, they discuss the end of the world:

When faced with Nuclear War, Civil War, and Aliens (attacking) as the potential threats, Post Malone points out a 4th: natural disaster. He poses asteroids or a super volcano under Yellowstone as a potential end of earth as we know it.

Post Malone Believes In Ghosts

There was a time in life (childhood) when the existence of ghosts would have freaked me out. But the older I get and the more loss I’ve experienced, the existence of ghosts and some sort of portal to ghosts in an afterlife is no longer a discomforting thought.

At the 28:47 mark int he video, they discuss the existence of ghosts. Post Malone admits to believing in ghosts but does not have a real sense of what they are.

Post says “I don’t know what ghosts are. I don’t know if they’re dead people or inter-dimensional beings or humans from the future.” When pressed, he says “the best part is I have no idea. That’s what’s so interesting.”

Malone goes on to say “there are definitely times when you talk to something and they speak your language.” Adding that he’s “been in places in Europe where (ghosts) speak a different language and it comes in English.” He then claims he once moved a pillow just by looking at it!

Another fascinating story from this interview came at 17:00 when Josh Scherer asked Post Malone about “Adapting to the Mormon Way of Speaking.” Post shared that he “was staying at a place called Morgan. We would go there and ride ATVs and stuff and some mom was like, ‘Hey, we really like your music, we don’t like the cuss words that much, but here’s a list of words you can use instead.’ And it was like a four-page, double-sided list of words. It was full of things like ‘phooey, ‘fiddlesticks.'”

Only in Utah…

Of course, they also discussed his forthcoming album but you’ll need to check the video/interview for all of that.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at