iStockphoto / jacoblund
It’s hard to remember a time on the Internet when people weren’t ranking things. Top 10 lists have been around for as long as I can remember. BuzzFeed grew into a company with a multi-billion dollar valuation by ranking the most mundane shit on the Internet.
The latest meme trend on Twitter has everyone ranking random items. Only, it’s not a straightforward ranking like we’re used to. In these ‘ranking meme‘ tweets, there’s typically some stalling before the big reveal. I could sit here and keep explaining how this meme works but what’s the point? It’s pretty self-explanatory once you see how the meme works. I’ll start with a tweet of my own so you can get the gist of the format and then we’ll look at the best ‘ranking meme’ tweets to hit Twitter so far:
Got it? Now that we’ve seen my weak effort at a great meme (and you’ve followed me on Twitter at @casspa) we can move on and check out the very best of the ‘Ranking Meme’ before it gets played out:
best songs of all time ranked:
15. you
14. can't
13. rank
12. songs
11. because
10. they're
9. about
8. how
7. the music
6. and lyrics
5. make
4. an
3. audience
2. feel
1. africa by toto— Cam ➐ (@soberdenatural) June 25, 2018
Best sports ranked:
10. it’s
9. hard
8. to rank
7. them bc
6. they
5. all are
4. good
3. in their
2. own way
1. baseball— Kent (@RealKentMurphy) June 27, 2018
strongest avengers ranked:
20. It
19. Is
18. Impossible
17. To
16. Rank
15. Heroes
14. Because
13. They
12. Are
11. All
10. Very
9. Powerful
8. And
7. Different
6. In
5. Their
4. Own
3. Special
2. Way
1. Thor— jules (@webshootrs) June 25, 2018
Harry Potter films ranked
8 – it's not fair
7 – to rank films
6 – that include
5 – different stories
4 – that appeal
3 – to different
2 – audiences
1 – Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban— kyra (@phantomthreads) June 25, 2018
Best trophies in sports ranked:
10. they
9. are
8. all
7. iconic
6. and
5. you
4. can't
3. rank
2. them
1. @StanleyCup— NHL (@NHL) June 27, 2018
Friends ranked:
13. you
12. can’t
11. just
10. pick
9. one
8. they
7. work
6. the
5. best
4. as
3. a
2. group
1. Phoebe— Netflix Canada (@Netflix_CA) June 26, 2018
best twitter accounts ranked
14. you
13. can't
12. rank
11. them
10. because
9. they
8. all
7. bring
6. different
5. things
4. to
3. the
2. table
1. @dog_feelings— Mercury’s Retro Stage (@cosine_girl) June 27, 2018
Best thing at Whataburger
14. They
13. Can’t
12. Be
11. Ranked
10. Because
9. They
8. All
7. Left
6. Unique
5. Imprints
4. On
3. My
2. Life
1. Honey Butter Chicken Biscuits— Whataburger® (@Whataburger) June 27, 2018
The best Disney movies of all time ranked:
9. You
8. Can’t
7. Rank
6. Disney
5. Movies
4. They’re
3. All
2. Great
1. The Lion King— Sarahcuse (@sarahabrahamm) June 27, 2018
Numbers Ranked
10 – They're just
9 – numbers
8 – it
7 – makes no
6 – sense
5 – to
4 – have
3 – a
2 – favorite
1 – 4— Thomas Sanders (@ThomasSanders) June 26, 2018
stupidest deaths in the mcu, ranked:
10. what
9. do you
8. mean
7. there is
6. no
5. such thing
4. as a
3. stupid
2. death
1. loki using a butter knife,ignoring all the powers he have then being choked— ⎊ lord tony of house stark (@tonystankstan) June 27, 2018
Best songs ranked:
14. honestly
13. this
12. is
11. difficult
10. because
9. there
8. are
7. so
6. many
5. different
4. types
3. of
2. music
1. Country Roads— WVU Mountaineers (@WestVirginiaU) June 27, 2018
Most underrated football players ranked
14. you
13. can't
12. rank
11. them
10. because
9. there
8. are
7. many
6. underrated
5. players
4. in
3. the
2. league
1. Andrew Luck— Colts Coverage (@Colts_Coverage) June 27, 2018
Antidepressants, ranked
15. You can't
14. rank
13. antidepressants
12. they all
11. have different
10. mechanisms
9. of action
8. and different
7. tolerability
6. and safety
5. profiles
4. that translate
3. to individualized
2. clinical choices
1. Escitalopram— Jarvin Tan (@Jetlax) June 27, 2018
best the office episodes ranked
14. you
13. can't
12. rank
11. them
10. because
9. they
8. are
7. all
6. incredible
5. and
4. explore
3. comedy
2. uniquely
1. dinner party— hattie (@haticebot) June 25, 2018
Chipotle Orders Ranked:
18. honestly
17. you
16. can't
15. rank
14. them
13. because
12. every
11. one
10. is
9. specially
8. made
7. for
6. the
5. person
4. who
3. orders
2. it
1. chicken bowl w/ guac— Chipotle (@ChipotleTweets) June 26, 2018
best players in NBA history ranked
10. It’s hard
9. To rank
8. Players from
7. Different generations
6. Because the
5. Style of
4. Play was
3. Way different
2. Back then
1. LeBron James— Zach Imig (@zimig7) June 27, 2018
(h/t Someecards.com for their roundup of this meme)