People React After Reporter Wears A Suit With Matching Headband On ‘Meet The Press’

reporter suit headband meet the press


  • A Wall Street Journal reporter turned heads with the outfit he rocked on Meet the Press
  • Jeff Horwitz appeared on the show wearing a suit and a matching headband and generated some great reactions
  • Read more about cutting-edge fashion here

I don’t know what it’s like to be invited to shed some light on a major news story on a nationally televised program. However, based on how anxious I get when it comes to picking what to wear on Zoom when I’m asked to join a podcast with a thousand weekly listeners, I can’t even imagine how stressed I’d be combing through my closet in an attempt to put together an ideal outfit in that situation.

On Sunday, Wall Street Journal technology reporter Jeff Horwitz was asked to appear on Meet the Press to help unpack the latest in a long line of scandals Facebook has found itself at the center of. During the segment, the San Francisco-based journalist had the chance to expound on the leaks at the center of multiple articles he helped write concerning the social media company’s role in widening America’s political divide, its plans to launch a controversial platform aimed at kids, and a number of other revelations stemming from a recent leak.

However, there was really only one thing people cared about: his decision to wear a suit with a matching headband.

It’s safe to say people were slightly confused by this sartorial choice.

After going viral, Horwitz addressed his Meet the Press appearance. Sadly, he failed to answer some of our most burning questions, as he simply said he embraced the headband while working on a “very long and weird COVID-time reporting project.”

If you’re more concerned with the topics Horwitz was on the show to address as opposed to the headband he rocked, 60 Minutes spoke with the Facebook whistleblower who brought the information to light on Sunday night.

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible and a Boston College graduate currently based in New England. He has spent close to 15 years working for multiple online outlets covering sports, pop culture, weird news, men's lifestyle, and food and drink.