Russell Brand Reportedly Caused A Scene On A Plane For Having To Sit Next To Someone Else After Canceling Show Over Coronavirus

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Russell Brand ain’t fucking around with coronavirus.

On Monday, the 44-year-old comedian announced he was canceling his sellout show in Perth, Australia after a woman who watched the West Australian Symphony Orchestra at the Perth Concert Hall on Saturday received a positive test for COVID-19.

Paul Kane/Getty Images

On the same day, a Quantas Airways passenger traveling from Brisbane to Perth reported Brand  ’caused a scene’ and stormed off the plane after his seating situation wasn’t up to par.

Jordan Trevis told The West Australian:

‘He gets on and he’s being a bit rude. He was complaining about the plane and how close he had to sit to someone else,’ he claimed.

‘He started complaining about the seat and the quality, it wasn’t what he was expecting.’

‘He was causing a bit of a scene. They [the flight attendants] weren’t too happy with him, he was clearly being a bit rude,’ he claimed.

Trevis claims three separate flight attendants spoke with Brand in efforts to appease him, but to no avail. Brand reportedly went to the bathroom after a passenger sat down next to him and then walked off the flight.

According to SkyTrax, Quantas is a four-star airliner with four stars in both seat comfort/personal space and seat cleanliness.

This behavior is uncharacteristic of today’s Russell Brand, who has been sober for 18 years and is really prospering in the role of Enlightened Philosopher.

The only two things of value in life are love, and not allowing any common swine to sit next to you on an airplane because you could potentially be one of like three people under the age of 90 killed by coronavirus.


Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.