Ryan Reynolds Tells Paddington To ‘Watch Your F—ing Back’ Sparking A Oddly Hilarious Twitter Beef

Ryan Reynolds Paddington Twitter

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Ryan Reynolds is at it again on Twitter, this time taking aim with his trolling expertise at Paddington. As in the bear. The fictional bear.

After receiving a nomination for a both Male Movie Star of 2018 and Action Movie Star of 2018 for his work on Deadpool 2, Reynolds jumped on Twitter to express his gratitude. And pick on Paddington the fictional bear, whose sequel was also nominated for Best Family Film.

“So honored by all the @peopleschoice noms,” wrote Reynolds. “Hope you vote for Deadpool 2 and feel free to write us in for best Family Film. Because watch your fucking back, Paddington.”

Not taking this threat lying down, Paddington (the fictional bear) fired back at Reynolds with a tweet that read, “#hardstare.”

Hugh Bonneville, who plays Mr. Brown, the fictional owner of Paddington, had the bear’s back.


Reynolds has yet to reply, though he did post a nice tribute to the legend Burt Reynolds.

As for the reactions to this oddly entertaining little beef between Deadpool and Paddington, people definitely picked sides.



So dark. Are we sure Paddington is not from the DC Universe?