Korean School Classroom
When it comes to students experimenting with hardcore illicit substances like methamphetamine, one ballsy high school in Auckland, New Zealand is doing everything in its power to teach them how to do the drug in the safest and healthiest way possible.
Administrators at Massey High School recently distributed a controversial pamphlet to parts of their student body, providing them with step-by-step instructions on the most effective methods for consuming redneck dope without dropping dead before graduation. The literature, which was sponsored by drugfree.org, also offered them tips on “discreetly” using meth. It even touched on ways to avoid getting reamed by the long arm of the law.
Needless to say, the high school has since become the hard target of a wild-eyed parental lynch mob. These protectors of progeny, most of which come from a generation where ignorance is bliss, are trying to understand the twisted logic that went into basically handing a bunch of impressionable teenagers “A Beginners Guide to Using Meth.”
Some parents fully understand the school’s intentions – that they were trying to educate the students, not encourage them into junkie behavior. But others have flipped their script over educators providing their children with such an honest glimpse inside the illegal drug culture.
Morgan Julian, one of the students’ mothers, told Stuff that, “If a student was curious about using methamphetamine, the pamphlet told them how to use it.”
The scrawling contained inside this drug education literature comes with a variety of helpful tips on maintaining one’s wellness while hopped up on hillbilly speed. It explains that, when using methamphetamine, to “eat something every 4 or 5 hours; drink more water than normal; and if you’ve been awake longer than 24 hours, have a break.”
The pamphlet also attempts to enlighten students on the dangers of accidental drug cocktails. “Avoid mixing meth with other drugs or medications, especially hallucinogens and antidepressants” because “it’s hard to predict how one affects another in your system,” it reads.
While some of the tips are solid advice, as they could keep curious teens safe, parents are concerned about some of the more explicit guidelines detailed on the list.
In one section, in addition to encouraging students to “eat meth” rather than inject it in their veins, the pamphlet explains that “meth is illegal” and that “it’s also illegal to own a pipe. So “be discreet and only keep less than 5 grams for personal use,” it reads.
For some parents, this amount of detail is just a step too far.
“I am all for drug education and keeping our children aware but to blatantly publish a step-by-step guide on how to clean your pipes, swallow instead of injecting and to do it legally, in a way, is disturbing,” Morgan said.
But is this concept as bad as it sounds?
According to Drug Foundation executive director Ross Bell, it’s not. He recently defended the school’s decision to distribute the literature because it helps spread the good word of “harm reduction,” something that mainstream society has a difficult time understanding. He doesn’t believe the pamphlet condones the use of meth, not in the slightest. But with methamphetamine being such an epidemic in New Zealand, he believes it is important to give young people the tools necessary to make informed decisions.
“So if they are getting equipped with this kind of information that helps them better understand the nature and the harms of meth then I think that is a good thing,” he said.
Some of the latest data shows just how severe the meth problem across New Zealand. Drug rehab referrals have quadrupled over the past decade and more people are doing hard time. It is said that two out of three drug offenders in prison are there because of a meth conviction.
Mike Adams is a freelance writer for High Times, Cannabis Now, and Forbes. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram