Scooped Bagel Guy Reveals He Got Kicked Out Of NYC With A First Class Ticket Back To LA

H&H bagels new york city

Cass Anderson

The Internet’s ‘main character’ over the weekend was the now infamous Scooped Bagel Guy, a 29-year-old man by the name of Taylor Offer who was visiting NYC from Los Angeles.

He posted a video that began “there’s nothing more stressful than ordering a bagel in New York City” and honestly, many would agree with him, but the fact that he said ‘New York City’ and not ‘The City’ or ‘NYC’ was the first major red flag. From there, he revealed that he tried to order a (gluten-free) ‘Scooped Bagel’ and was shot down.

Naively, I assumed ‘scooped’ was West Coast speak for a schmear of cream cheese. I was so, so wrong. A Scooped Bagel is a complete abomination where the actual insides of the bagel are painstakingly scooped out because the person only wants the outside of the bagel. This man darn near incited a coastal war with everyone outside of LA taking NYC‘s side and the Internet PILED ON this man. There were thousands of responses to his video:

What happened to the Scooped Bagel guy?

Well, thanks to TikTok we now know what happened to him. Taylor Offer’s friend posted a video of the two talking. In the clip below, he said “I got kicked out of New York City for ordering a scooped bagel.” He goes on to say “New York TikTok lost their minds, Elon Musk was tweeting about it.”

Offer then reveals “then this one guy… I wasn’t planning on leaving. This guy DMs me and goes ‘I will buy you a first class flight today back to LA and get you a pair of AirPods if you leave my city right now.'”

It seems legit. He says he got the flight confirmation in his name and contacted Delta to see if it is legitimate and they told him it was. Then an Uber showed up to his hotel with the AirPods and a note that said “get the f— out of my city.” So he went back to Los Angeles.

Back in LA…

Meanwhile, this video is suspect but also believable. While Scooped Bagel Guy was getting dragged by the entire bagel-eating world, someone claims to have rented his place on Airbnb. Which, as you might guess, had scooped bagels left inside:

It is a nice apartment in LA. He’s got that going for him even if he has the worst taste in food of anyone I’ve ever witnessed go viral.

I don’t say this lightly, but I’d rather walk barefoot on an NYC sidewalk in the Summer than be forced to order and/or eat a scooped bagel. Keep that nonsense trapped in LA forever.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.