A Rare Deep-Sea Squid Was Filmed Alive For The First Time Ever And It Looks Like Something From Area 51

The deep sea is home to some of the most spectacular creatures on the planet. The extreme conditions found hundreds (and thousands) of feet below the ocean’s surface allows some truly peculiar animals to thrive.

It’s a logistical nightmare for scientists to work on the ocean’s floor in deep water. The extreme pressure and zero visibility low light conditions require specialized expeditions.

One of those expeditions underway is from the E/V Nautilus whose goal is to seek ‘out new discoveries in biology, geology, and archaeology’ at the bottom of the ocean. On a dive just a few days back they spotted an extremely peculiar squid and it was the first time this deep-sea species has ever been seen alive.

The crew aboard the E/V/ Nautilus were glued to their cameras when they spotted the Sinuous Asperoteuthis Mangoldae Squid and were pretty dumbfounded because nobody had ever seen one of these alive before so it’s not something that was at the forefront of their minds.

The Sinuous Asperoteuthis Mangoldae Squid was spotted near Jarvis Island in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument which is home to arguably the most vibrant and pristine coral reef found anywhere on the planet.

This squid is particularly mind-blowing because it’s able to swim with a tail that looks like something you’d expect to find in a cartoon, it can also tuck in the sides of that tail to streamline its body according to CNET.

This legitimately looks like an alien species that you’d expect to find swimming around a toxic green tank of water at Area 51 and I won’t be shocked at all if the Area 51 raid turns up some cousins of the Sinuous Asperoteuthis Mangoldae Squid because this thing is WILD. Also, there are scientists out there who suspect some deep-sea creatures to be alien species which is a conspiracy theory I’m totally on board with.

The E/V Nautilus expedition team has a 24/7 live stream of their dives to the ocean floor which you can check out on their website, NautilusLive. They are also constantly uploading the ‘best of’ footage from their dives to their YouTube channel so be sure to check that out as well.

Also, the Giant Squid was filmed in the USA for the first time ever recently, and it’s only the third time in history that a Giant Squid was captured alive on camera. CHECK IT OUT.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at cass@brobible.com