Skyquakes Are A Thing That Keeps Happening And Scientists Have No Idea Why

thunderstorm lightning skyquakes


The weather has been acting anything but normal in places all over the world. That includes mysterious skyquakes that are creating loud booming sounds and scientists have no idea what is causing them.

According to Dr. Claire Asher of BBC Science Focus, “If you’ve ever heard a loud, distant booming noise with no obvious explanation like a thunderstorm or a car backfiring, then you might have experienced a skyquake.”

Asher, who has received a PhD in Genetics, Ecology, and Evolution from the University of Leeds, writes that while there have been many possible explanations for skyquakes suggested, no one has actually been able to pin it down.

“Near Seneca Lake in New York State, they’re known as Seneca guns; in Belgium they’re called mistpoeffers; and the Japanese refer to them as uminari, which literally means ‘cries from the sea,'” she writes.

So what is causing these strange booming sounds all over the planet?

Asher says it could be because of solar flares. Or maybe they are being caused by earthquakes, or offshore tsumanis. Perhaps they are being caused by collapsing underwater caves or avalanches. Or how about sonic booms from military aircraft? Then again, maybe those booms are being created by a type of meteor, called a bolide, smashing into the Earth’s atmosphere. Or, it could be gas escaping from lake sediments.

These skyquakes have been heard everywhere from the banks of the river Ganges and the inland Finger Lakes of the United States to the Magic Valley in south-central Idaho and Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.

They have also been heard in Bangladesh, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Spain, and across Latin America.

And it’s not like people haven’t been studying the data, trying to figure out what is causing these skyquakes. Because they have.

Of course, some folks think skyquakes are being caused by aliens. Others believe they signify the end of the world approaching.

At this point if someone said skyquakes were being caused by Vecna and the Mind Flayer it would be as good a guess anything else that’s been put forth.

Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Before settling down at BroBible, Douglas Charles, a graduate of the University of Iowa (Go Hawks), owned and operated a wide assortment of websites. He is also one of the few White Sox fans out there and thinks Michael Jordan is, hands down, the GOAT.