Stanley From ‘The Office’ Is Offering To Help Reddit’s WallStreetBets Produce Super Bowl Ad To Dunk On Robinhood


Members of the subreddit r/wallstreetbets are not happy with Robinhood’s plans to run an ad during this year’s Super Bowl.

As the stock-trading app faces intense backlash for limiting the buying of meme stocks, the company is airing a 30-second ad during Sunday’s big game that is set to highlight how people of all races and backgrounds can become investors and invest β€œtime in themselves and in the people and things that they love.”

Members of the popular subreddit immediately responded to the ad by trying to crowdfund for a Super Bowl commercial of their own to dunk on Robinhood.

Via GoFundMe

The WSB Superbowl Ad was inspired by comments discussing the Superbowl ad Robinhood was funneling money into while they couldn’t meet clearinghouse margin deposit requirements. :

Leslie David Baker, the actor best known for his role as Stanley Hudson from The Office, is offering his support to help WallStreetBets produce a Super Bowl ad.

“I would love to help you all make this happen,” “If this is something you’re seriously considering let me know, my team and I will use all resources at our disposal to get us the advertisement, shoot it, get the talent, crew, and get it out in time for Super Bowl. You have my full support! πŸ’ŽπŸ™ŒπŸ½”

Here’s one of the proposed commercial scenarios from a Reddit user.

Via u/nevagonnagiveUup

In the Super Bowl ad, it should be u/DeepFuckingValue looking out on the moon at night with dramatic music playing. Then the camera goes back to deep, then it goes back to the moon and it says $GME on the moon. Then the camera goes back to deep and he says “one day.” cut to black White text comes up that says: “Buy GME, AMC, BB or NOK, tell every kid on the block”

In little words at the bottom: “#frh” or Fuck robinhood.

It’s probably too late for WallStreetBets to collect money, find actors, and shoot a commercial in time before Sunday but it would be pretty hilarious if they’re able to pull it off.

Jorge Alonso BroBible avatar
Brobible sports editor. Jorge is a Miami native and lifelong Heat fan. He has been covering the NBA, MLB and NFL professionally for almost 10 years, specializing in digital media.