Fall, is it really you?
Pumpkin Spice Latte is back. #PSL pic.twitter.com/QOERFzWRgJ— Starbucks (@Starbucks) August 28, 2018
LaAaAaAadieeeezzzzz: the Pumpkin Spice Latte is officially BACK and you know what that means: break out the black spandex, Ugg boots, and J. Crew vests because we’re going to go pick some motherfucking apples on game day! Couldn’t be more stoked to spend my Sunday walking around a dirt field plucking the fourth best fruit off trees while you force me to take another picture because you look “gross.” Love yaz.
Full Disclosure: Pumpkin Spice Lattes are objectively delicious and if I wasn’t so insecure I’d order one every day of the fall right before I head to Becky’s play to watch Bachelor’s In Paradise on ABC (highly underrated show).
Guys in line at Starbucks to order a #PumpkinSpiceLatte like… pic.twitter.com/dxTPhrTTjx
— Alexander The Eh (@AlexanderThe_Eh) August 28, 2018
So what if we order a salad entree at a steakhouse but a venti Pumpkin Spice Latte has more calories, fat, and carbs than a McDonald’s quarter pounder–don’t piss on my parade, you can’t but a nutrition label on bliss.
happy pumpkin spice latte day 🎃☕️
— gabi demartino (@gabcake) August 28, 2018
Everyone named Becky today, rushing to get a #PumpkinSpiceLatte: pic.twitter.com/aIr070cHpG
— Ludwig 🏃♂️ (@paulludwig) August 28, 2018
Anyone else excited for the start of #PumpkinSpiceLatte season??? 🎃☕️ @Starbucks pic.twitter.com/jc4bJoDylH
— Lexi Spivak/Douglas (@LexiSpivak) August 28, 2018
Life makes sense again.