My Wife Forgot About The Existence Of Clocks And Learned Her Lesson At The Airport In The Most Brutal Way

sad wife at the airport

iStockphoto / kieferpix

I woke up before the roosters this morning and as I do every day the first thing I did was look at my phone. I saw was a text from my wife who had a 6 AM flight, I’d assumed she had left the house maybe an hour ago. But the text was a story that had me immediately laughing so hard the bed was shaking.

After thinking her alarm had gone off, she had driven to the airport in the middle of the night only to discover it was actually 1 AM and her flight wasn’t for 5 hours. My wife is brilliant, as mentally sharp as they come, and very successful in her career. There’s simply no other explanation here than brain fog / brain rot possibly induced by the anxiety that comes with travel.

STORY: Wife Forgets Clocks Exist, Shows Up To Airport On Accident In The Middle Of The Night

story about getting to the airport too early

Cass Anderson / BroBible

story about getting to the airport too early

Cass Anderson / BroBible

Reasons she should’ve immediately realized it was barely after midnight and not time to go to the airport:

  • Her Apple Watch telling her the time.
  • The cable box in our room that displays the time.
  • Her iPhone’s clock.
  • Opening her iPhone to check her flight status and seeing the time.
  • The clock in her car.
  • The not-so-empty roads at 1 AM versus the desolate roads of 4:30 AM.
  • Driving past *at least* one bank that would have displayed the time and temperature.
  • The parking ticket that had a printed time on it.
  • An airport that was COMPLETELY closed and has clocks everywhere.
  • The fact that the metal gates at the airport were locked and a cleaning crew was looking at her like she was a crazy person.

If this was anyone else telling me this story I would question the legitimacy of it. I’ve spent my entire adult life toiling away on the Internet and this would immediately set off my radar for made-up stories. But this is my wife, the person I share a bed with, and a person I know the intricacies of better than anyone on earth so I’m fully aware of how she, one of the most nervous travelers in the game, would allow this to happen to her.

There are other contributing factors here and it’s possible I’m somewhat to blame. She has pretty poor eyesight without her glasses/contacts so I can give her the benefit of the doubt for not immediately recognizing what time it is but to drive all the way to the airport??? C’mon.

And the part where I feel some burden to bare is she was certainly trying to tiptoe around and be quiet so as not to wake me up at 4:30 AM or whatever time she must’ve thought it was. Her efforts to preserve my sleep almost certainly contributed in some small part to her not looking at her bright iPhone after waking up but STILL.

It’s a 30 minute drive (at best) to the airport and as a friend pointed out to me this morning, the drive at 1 AM and the drive at 5 AM look VERY different.

Above all, not seeing the time on her iPhone is what blows my mind. We are chronically online individuals who stare at our phone’s waaaaaaayyyyyy too much. And it has me wondering, are we blind to the clocks on our iPhones these days as we unlock our phones? Has unlocking an iPhone become so much of a part of muscle memory that we’re not even processing the information in front of us?

The moral of the story here is avoid early morning flights at all costs because they might cause you to do crazy things even if you’re a sane person.

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible. Based out of Florida, he covers an array of topics including NFL, Pop Culture, Fishing News, and the Outdoors.