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Unless you’re one of the people who hates on Stranger Things because they think it’s overhyped then you most likely thoroughly enjoyed Season 2. In fact, Stranger Things 2 was virtually flawless aside from Episode 7, ‘The Sister’.
I went into the watching of Stranger Things 2 completely prepared to be let down. I didn’t think there was any possible way that the Duffer Brothers (co-creators) could capture lightning in a bottle for the second time, but I was wrong. Stranger Things 2 lived up to the hype of Season 1 with one exception, and now we’ll get to a few *potential spoilers* if you haven’t watched through S02E07 ‘The Sister’.
Every episode of Stranger Things 2 but ‘The Sister’ has an IMDB user rating of 8.5 or higher, whereas ‘The Sister’ has a rating of 6.2 according to Josh Kurp at UPROXX. If you hated that episode you are not alone. Shortly after Stranger Things 2 was released on Netflix the show’s creators defended the episode. You can see their comments on that here.
Last weekend, while speaking at the Vulture Festival, co-creator Matt Duffer brought up Eleven’s sister and all but confirmed that Kali is returning without giving away any major spoilers: “It feels weird to me that we wouldn’t solve [Kali’s] storyline. I would say chances are very high she comes back.”
He followed this up with comments about how nothing is written in stone yet because Netflix hasn’t officially renewed the show for a third season. He also scaled back his comments a bit because he knows how critical the industry at large is about even the tiniest of spoilers. “We are [in] very early days on season three and we’re still figuring it out. I probably wasn’t supposed to say that. That’s not official, that wasn’t an official announcement — we’re just working on it, just for our own amusement… for fun!”
Even though Netflix hasn’t officially renewed the show for a third season yet I’d be willing to bet my life’s savings that it’ll happen. This show is the biggest Sci-Fi hit Netflix has had and they’re not about to let it slip away without letting the show run its reported 4-season course.
For more on the return of (sister) Kali in Stranger Things 3 you can follow the link and visit UPROXX.