Eddy Zillan
Why didn’t you invest your bar mitzvah, birthday, Christmas, summer job, Sweet 16 money into Bitcoin years ago? That’s the question many of us are asking these days as the price of Bitcoin continues to surge and shatter all expectations of the volatile cryptocurrency. One young man had enough foresight or luck to invest in Bitcoin when the price was fractions of the value of today. The savvy financial move has made him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In 2012, Eddy Zillan’s parents gave him $5,000 for his bar mitzvah. Nice. They expected him to put that money into the stock market, but he went with cryptocurrencies based on their potential. Eddy saved up another $7,000 from his summer job at a tennis club. He sunk all $12,000 into Bitcoin and Ethereum, which both had much, much lower values at the time. But they were also a skeptical investment at the time and were not skyrocketing in value like they are these days. Eddy’s $12,000 investment is now worth well over $500,000. That’s a return exceeding 4,100% in just a few years, not a bad investment for a teenager. “I have made close to a million from trades but the market is very volatile and some days I may make $150,000, but other days I may lose $100,000, so it’s very hard to give an exact dollar value on my portfolio,” he explains.
“I then started using analytical data, market research, reading books, articles, technical analysis, and finding out information through other successful traders,” Eddy explains. “At the time that I learned about bitcoin there were no YouTube videos, tutorial videos, or anything of this sort.” “I completely taught myself everything about the market that was necessary and I can only attribute my success to myself,” Eddy said. “I had no mentor and learned from making mistakes and a lot of research.” What were you doing at 13-years-old?
Eddy is now an 18-year-old high school senior in Orange, Ohio, near Cleveland. He loves his investment strategy, but he plans to study dentistry next year at Case Western Reserve University. But he also keeps his options open and has a secondary plan of a cryptocurrency consultancy company, which offers tutorials and insights on cryptocurrencies. “Hopefully he’ll be a multimillionaire by the time he’s my age,” says his 46-year-old father Gary Zillan. “I don’t know if he’s a prodigy, but he’s close.”
So what piece of cryptocurrency advice does the Bitcoin boy wonder have for the rest of us? “I would invest slowly and wouldn’t dump the entirety of my savings due to the markets volatility,” says Eddy. “I would also look into altcoins (bitcoin alternatives) because those are the ones you see nowadays that have the largest exponential growth.” There you go. Sounds like Bitcoin advice just as solid as Mark Cuban.
“I hope to one day be a cryptocurrency multi-millionaire,” Eddy says. “At this current rate, I wouldn’t be surprised if ethereum in the next couple years hits the mark bitcoin is at, meaning it would go up 20-30 times its current value. Bitcoin is just the first to break past a thousand, there will be many more to do the same over time.”