Meet Dawn Farmer, a British influencer from York who has the internet falling in love with her as she discovers ranch dressing and other iconic American foods.
Dawn Farmer is already massively popular on TikTok. She has amassed 3.1 million followers and her videos are regularly seen over a million times. Her account has racked up an impressive 108.2 million ‘likes’.
But Dawn Farmer’s popularity has skyrocketed recently thanks to a ‘holiday’ to New York City. It’s in NYC, mostly Manhattan, where Dawn Farmer has been able to try some of the most iconic junk foods America has to offer.
Here she is trying French Toast with Maple Syrup for the very first time. This is at the Tick Tock Diner on 8th Avenue and 34th Street (Penn Station) in Manhattan. She had mild trepidation about trying the maple syrup and says it’s not common in York, England. But she is quickly won over by this American breakfast treat:
@dawnnfarmer French Toast at an American Diner… Next level 😍🇺🇸
Dawn Farmer’s Obsession With Ranch Dressing (On TikTok) Is Infectious
I first came across Dawn’s videos a few months ago. The first video that showed up on my TikTok ‘for you’ page was Dawn trying some new ranch dressing. I quickly came to learn that she is utterly obsessed with ranch dressing and likewise, the Internet is obsessed with watching Dawn Farmer discover new types of ranch dressing.
This is Dawn Farmer’s most popular (recent) TikTok. It has 1.6 million views and counting. Here she tries the iconic Wingstop Ranch Dressing for the very first time:
@dawnnfarmer British me FINALLY trying Wingstop Ranch for the first time 🇺🇸
She’s right when she says the “chicken is a compliment to the ranch.” Someone hopped in the comments with a very popular and easy recipe for her and anyone else out there who wants to make this at home. They wrote “1 cup buttermilk, 1 cup blue plate mayo, 1 pack ranch dressing add a little bit of garlic powder and pepper.” Boom, it’s that easy.
Personally, I think the ranch at Outback Steakhouse is the best in the game. I’d put it up against any ranch dressing on the planet in a blind taste test and I’m pretty sure it would win.
Back to Dawn Farmer… Someone in the comments wrote “Your joy is so infectious!” which really sums up the appeal of her videos. She is taking something so relatable to hundreds of millions of Americans and we get to experience the joy of trying it for the first time all over again.
When is the last time you had a Big Gulp from 7-Eleven? Dawn Farmer just had her first Big Gulp.
@dawnnfarmer British me trying a Big Gulp for the first time 🇺🇸
Dawn also just tried her first ‘authentic’ Mexican food. Though, the comments reveal many people don’t believe Rosa Mexicana is ‘authentic’ because it’s more ‘fine dining’ Mexican food. It is a far cry from traditional street food.
However, New York City is notorious for having the worst authentic Mexican food options of any major city in the United States. NYC gets better every year. There are plenty of good Mexican food options too, across the price spectrum. But the proportion of good Mexican food restaurants to residents pales in comparison to other cities.
That said, here is TikTok’s Dawn Farmer trying authentic Mexican food for her very first time:
@dawnnfarmer British me having authentic Mexican cuisine for the very first time 🇲🇽
And it’s not only food that Dawn Farmer is discovering. She also just went to Target for her first time:
@dawnnfarmer British me’s first time in a target 🤩🇬🇧🇺🇸
♬ Fun, light, honobo, everyday, piano solo – Dream Side Records
Her comments are filled with people saying ‘NYC is NOT like the rest of America’ which is 100% correct.
Back to Dawn’s ranch dressing obsession…
Dawn Farmer said she “obviously” couldn’t leave New York without trying ‘restaurant ranch’ at least once. Her love of ranch dressing is truly unmatched by anyone in my life:
@dawnnfarmer Trying restaurant Ranch for the very first time 🇺🇸
There are entire TikTok trends about this. Search ‘British people try Ranch Dressing’. There are thousands of results..
The British just don’t mess around with Ranch Dressing like we do which is a shame. But it seems like Dawn Farmer is certainly bringing ranch dressing back to York and raising awareness by the minute.