Paramount Pictures
- Top Gun: Maverick is easily the biggest movie of the year so far.
- The film has earned over $1.1 billion at the global box office and counting.
- As a result, Tom Cruise stands to earn a hefty paycheck for his work on the movie.
Paramount Picture’s bold decision to hold Top Gun: Maverick — which was filmed all the way back in 2019 — until the summer of 2022 certainly turned out to be a wise decision, as a $1B+ grossing film is now the biggest movie of Tom Cruise’s storied career.
Cruise, who seems to fancy himself as a shepherd of the cinematic experience, also comes out of Top Gun: Maverick looking quite smart as the iconic A-lister is set to score about $55 million dollars for his work on the film.
Here’s how much money Tom Cruise stands to make from Top Gun: Maverick
His contract worked in two parts. First up, he was paid $12.5 million upfront. Then he scored 10 percent of the first dollar gross, “with escalators that increase his percentage at certain milestones,” Belloni says. Right now the film’s worldwide gross is around $1.1 billion. It’s still in the box office Top 5 in North America.
Cruise doesn’t start getting backend until Paramount hits about $125 million in revenue, and they usually take about half of the box office gross domestically and a bit less internationally. If the film gets to $1.3 billion, which seems likely, Paramount’s revenue would be about $600 million, and 10 percent of that is, to be safe, about $55 million. [Uproxx via Puck News]
Given how wildly successful Top Gun: Maverick was, is, and will be, it’s hard to imagine that Paramount Pictures isn’t kicking around the idea of turning the franchise into a trilogy.
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