When it comes to brands that millennials are emotionally attached to, millennials can’t live without Apple in their life. Branding agency MBLM has teased the top 10 brands that millennials have emotional bonds with. MBLM’s 2018 Brand Intimacy Report is the largest study of brands based on emotions. The study found that millennials love Apple, which was also the most beloved brand amongst millennials last year.
MBLM bases their study on “brand intimacy” which they define as “a new paradigm that leverages and strengthens the emotional bonds between a person and a brand.” Rounding out the top three is Amazon and YouTube. The study analyzed more than 54,000 brand evaluations from 6,000 consumers across 15 industries in the United States, Mexico, and United Arab Emirates. MBLM believes that companies that have a higher brand intimacy with their customer base have greater customer loyalty and generate billions more in revenue compared to other companies with less of a connection with their patrons.
Here are the top 10 brands that millennials are emotionally attached to:
- Apple
- Amazon
- YouTube
- PlayStation
- Starbucks
- Nintendo
- Netflix
- Coca Cola
- Walmart
“We were surprised and pleased to see YouTube as an addition to the top three most intimate brands for millennials this year,” said Mario Natarelli, managing partner, MBLM. “We believe its rise is due to our culture’s continued need for escape and the brand’s immediate, diverse content, personalities and growing offerings in movies and live TV. YouTube is clearly an established ritual in the lives of many millennials today.” MBLM’s full report won’t be released until March 13. In the meantime, check out another study that found vast differences in eating habits between millennials and previous generations.