UFO Sighting Is ‘Absolute Proof’ A Mexican Volcano Is Being Used As A Secret Alien Base Of Operations

UFO Sighting Leads To Speculation Mexican Volcano Is Alien Base


A new video of a UFO that was spotted near Mexico City recently brings up some often overlooked questions. Where do the aliens who visit Earth go? Where do they park their spaceships? Where do they live while they are here?

Could it be that one of those places is the almost 3.5 mile tall volcano Popocatepetl, also known as El Popo?

According to video caught on webcams which constantly monitor the volcano that might be one answer.

UFO and alien expert Scott Waring wrote about the UFO sighting on his website, “This is a great discovery of several UFO around the famous Mexican volcano Popocatepetl. One of the UFOs is seen leaving the mouth of the volcano and shooting straight up into space. Another comes down and enters the mouth of the volcano.

“Absolute proof of what we UFO researchers already knew…there is a alien base 5-6km below this volcano. An entire alien city of many species living there.”

Absolute proof, people.

This isn’t the first time a UFO has been spotted flying near El Popo. A similar sighting took place in June of 2019.

“This is really extrodinary footage and important proof that an alien base does sit 5-6 miles below this volcano,” wrote Waring.

A similar sighting occurred in May of 2019.

“UFOs as big as 400 meters have been seen on live cam entering and exiting the volcano over the years,” Waring wrote at the time.

And again in April of 2019.

“This is 100% evidence that aliens are active in Mexico,” wrote Waring.


No one has been able to discern with 100 percent certainty what it is that keeps appearing in the sky above Popocatepetl, but something keeps flying around and perhaps into the giant volcano. And as we all know…

the truth is out there


Douglas Charles headshot avatar BroBible
Douglas Charles is a Senior Editor for BroBible with two decades of expertise writing about sports, science, and pop culture with a particular focus on the weird news and events that capture the internet's attention. He is a graduate from the University of Iowa.