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“Uncle Luke” Luther Campbell has a message for you youngsters out there who think going to a strip club in the midst of a nationwide pandemic is a good idea: Don’t do it.
Are you listening, Dwayne Haskins?
In an article he wrote this week for Miami New Times, Uncle Luke shared the story of how he ended up contracting the coronavirus when he visited a local strip club.
Recently, I joined the ranks of the more than 1 million Floridians who’ve caught the coronavirus. Throughout the pandemic, I had been strictly adhering to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, especially wearing a mask whenever I stepped out of my house. Then I gave in to the peer pressure of going out to a party.
Last month, a friend celebrating his birthday at a local strip club would not stop blowing up my phone. He kept begging me to come. I told myself I would go in for 15 minutes and duck out. As soon as I walked through the doors, it was like stepping into a coronavirus-spreading chamber.
Campbell added that “everybody was wildin’ out and getting drunk” and “almost no one” was wearing a mask.
Naturally, being who he is, numerous strippers and customers were all about getting that selfie with Uncle Luke. Feeling pressure, he often removed his mask for the photo.
“Soon, I had a fever and my temperature spiked to 102 degrees,” he continued. “I went to the hospital, where I had a second PCR test that came back positive. Because I wasn’t having trouble breathing, they sent me home and told me to quarantine for two weeks.”
Campbell, 59, who says he was “miserable” while in quarantine, then issued a warning to those he calls “COVID-19 deniers.”
The biggest problem we’re facing is peer pressure. Any time you walk into a bar or restaurant where virtually no one is wearing a mask or properly social-distancing and you are the only one wearing a face covering, you are shamed for doing your part. The people who don’t take it seriously make you feel like you’re not tough enough.
I am not advocating that local governments go back to shutting down nonessential businesses. I think we need to boost the local economy by being able to eat, drink, and be merry. At the same time, everyone bears personal responsibility. If you are a millennial or Gen Z’er, you have to think about the consequences of catching the coronavirus. You don’t want to take it home and infect your parents and your grandparents. You don’t want to be responsible for killing them.
His final words of advice? Wear a mask, keep a six-foot distance from one another, and “if the establishment has too many people not following the protocols, don’t be afraid to go home and call it a night.”
Hmmm… where have we heard all of those suggestions before?