Everyone Is Blown Away To Discover The Voice Actress Behind Sounds We’ve All Heard Countless Times

voice acting microphone setup used by voice actress Kristen DiMircurio

iStockphoto / Oleksandr Filon

Every so often a story comes along that is so universally relatable it immediately goes viral and that’s exactly what happened to voice actress Kristen DiMircurio who has been revealed to be the voice behind some of the most popular devices in the world.

Voice actress Kristen DiMircurio has more than tripled her number of followers on TikTok in the past 48 hours as people are blown away by her clips where she reveals herself as the woman behind the ‘Bluetooth connected’ sound and other sounds that are heard billions of times around the world each week. The virality started about a week ago with this video in particular which has racked up 28.3 million views (and counting) in 7 days:

Since that video was posted, voice actress Kristen DiMircurio has been having fun with her followers who immediately click on her profile to see other videos. She’s done some prank clips where if whoever is watching the video has their volume turned up loudly she can trigger actions from smart devices near them due to the power of her iconic voice. Kristen also shared this clip which has quickly racked up 6 million views:

Interestingly, Kristen DiMircurio does have a sizable list of IMDB credits from her voice acting work but, and this might just be me, I’m not really recognizing any of the projects she’s worked on.

According to her IMDB bio, voice actress Kristen DiMircurio has gone from “Community Plays to Summer Stock Musicals to Shakespeare to Fiction Podcasts to Voice Acting to Audio Books to Video Games to Commercials to Film” with a carer that’s “taken her all over the country.” She also has a BFA from Emerson College in Musical Theatre.

Check the comments on any of her posts to see how blown away everyone is. And with hundreds of thousands of new followers flocking to her TikTok page she is putting her golden voice to use for her fans. Kristen has recorded (a new) stock voicemail message for her followers:

She has also filmed an ASMR video to help people fall asleep:

I might be the only person here who finds this interesting at all but I was having a conversation this morning with my son who is in kindergarten about Linguistics and accents. We discussed regionality of accents, how they’ve changed over the centuries, English pronunciations across the globe.

Most of it went over his head but I’m not at all ashamed to admit he’s a child genius so it was fun to talk through the history of the English language with him because he’d hit me with questions I never would have considered. Now I’m stoked to share these clips with him and get a fresh perspective on hearing these voices across smart devices in our house that he’s always assumed were ‘robots’ because that’s what we’ve told him they are. All of that is to say that voice actress Kristen DiMircurio’s work has sparked some interesting conversations (for me, at least) across the web.