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What was the one movie that petrified you so much in your childhood that it still has long-lasting effects on you as an adult? That was the question that was asked on Twitter, and it went viral after hundreds of people revealed what movie scarred them permanently as a kid.
Ashley Bower, who is a production assistant, asked Twitter the question: “What movie traumatized you as a kid?” The movie that scared her the most as a child was Jumanji. The tweet went viral, racking up nearly 40,000 Likes, 4,000 RTs, and 40,000 replies.
Oh this is a good one.
I'll start: Jumanji pic.twitter.com/q9aVSi1Grq
— Ashley Bower (@loudandfearless) February 18, 2020
Actor Zach Braff said Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ruined his childhood.
Olivia Wilde said she saw the movie Kids when she was 10-years-old. The movie Kids, which received an NC-17 rating from the MPAA, is about “amoral teen Telly has made it his goal to sleep with as many virgin girls as possible — but he doesn’t tell them that he’s HIV positive.” Probably not a great movie selection for a 10-year-old.
Kids. I was 10. Someone stocked those Blockbuster shelves INcorrectly. #notakidsmovie https://t.co/V6Oq8s1FJM
— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde) February 19, 2020
Speaking of highly inappropriate movies for kids, no 8-year-old should watch The Shining.
Saw The Shining when I was 8. Why?! pic.twitter.com/Af5vPIUApl
— Jody Sherron (@jodysherron) February 19, 2020
No 8-year-old should watch Silence of the Lambs.
Also, no 9-year-old should watch Silence of the Lambs.
The Silence Of The Lambs.
My fucking brother took me when I was 9. NINE.
He was 16. 🥺🥺🥺 https://t.co/vfxbMIVVe4— Mauricio Martínez (@martinezmau) February 19, 2020
Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, Hot Fuzz, and Shaun Of The Dead director Edgar Wright said the 1977 film Apache messed him up pretty good.
John Mackenzie's 'Apaches' (1977) https://t.co/l9lCPsE7AQ https://t.co/M8jgCN2qI4
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) February 19, 2020
One woman had a very real reason to be frightened, the rusted-out 1941 Chevrolet Heavy-Duty COE delivery truck that transported human bodies in the movie Jeepers Creepers still drives around in her home town in Florida.
The dude that owns the Jeepers Creepers truck is from my hometown & this is him behind me, said that is the ONLY truck that he drives and his license is still beatinu! pic.twitter.com/XxDFlYeMOw
— CK.🌷🐛🪬 (@CeeLaKay) February 19, 2020
Somehow, people were afraid of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
Willy Wonka.
No joke.
To this day it's all very unsettling to me. Freaking weird dang movie. https://t.co/O6KToeIpFw— Roger Craig Smith (@RogerCraigSmith) February 19, 2020
I loved every other minute of the movie— and I still do— but man, the Boat Ride scene in Willy Wonka? The stuff that lifelong nightmares are made of.
— Trey Callaway (@TreyCallaway) February 18, 2020
Other scary movies that were watched by children and still haunt them as adults include Neverending Story, Children of the Corn, Terminator 2, Se7en, Roger Rabbit, Pinocchio, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Wizard of Oz, Poltergeist, The Lion King, The Secret of Nimh, and The Land Before Time.
The Neverending Story (which is my favorite but Artex drowning left a permanent scar). https://t.co/BI8WrsnDP4
— Jenny Johnson (@JennyJohnsonHi5) February 19, 2020
There’s only one correct answer:
Arachnophobia https://t.co/J7pIbeo9bl
— Justin Rose (@JRoseDet) February 19, 2020
Judge Doom from Roger Rabbit terrified me. https://t.co/1lrK1o4Jkg pic.twitter.com/PtJ6imBwCk
— Liz Katz (@LizKatzOfficial) February 19, 2020
Terminator 2.
I was 12. https://t.co/0LIkM4i9Fg
— Ali Plumb (@AliPlumb) February 19, 2020
"Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" and "Gremlins," which not coincidentally were the two films that prompted the creation of the PG-13 rating. https://t.co/CKOWMBvoPi
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) February 19, 2020
Poltergeist. The toy clown in the closet messed me all up pic.twitter.com/fyks3YbVWK
— Kenn Yeomans (@YesiKenn) February 19, 2020
Spanish movie theatres gave a negative amount of f*cks about age ratings. Result: I saw Se7en when it just came out.
The sloth scene did a good one on me. https://t.co/jgqGJ567gN
— Sam (@Spainkiller) February 19, 2020
Wizard of Oz. When those feet curled up underneath Dorothy’s house… 😳 pic.twitter.com/lqHLDQmxe7
— Lisa Bee (@leebee4life) February 19, 2020
Nightmare on Elm Street pic.twitter.com/lQheOPflJh
— GisElla (@Gis_EllaTO) February 19, 2020
There is an adult in therapy right this second explaining to his psychologist how Pinocchio prevented them from getting the chief financial officer job they wanted to get.