- The Tuesday, March 1 episode of Wheel of Fortune produced an all-time foolish moment.
- It took the contestants over two minutes to solve “another feather in your cap.”
- One woman even guessed the word “map” instead of “cap.”
I don’t watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune all that often. Only when I’m visiting my parents, really. I’m just not much of a game show guy.
I am, however, a comedy guy, so if the below video is the type of moment that Wheel of Fortune produces, perhaps I will start tuning in more often.
Coincidentally enough, we just brought you a story of a miserable solve attempt last week, which saw a woman guess “Jurassic Park Bodies” instead of the quite obvious actual answer “Jurassic Park Movies.” That clip, though, was just 15-seconds long. What you’re about to see drags on for two whole minutes! 127 straight seconds of unrelenting stupidity. And not from just one person, either, as there are multiple culprits here. I think I’ve explained it the best I can, to be honest: at this point, you just need to soak it in for yourself.
Absolutely pitiful https://t.co/PNCraD9lui
— Ty Schmit (@tyschmit) March 2, 2022
Just put yourself in their shoes and take a look at the board below: how long does it take your brain to figure out that it’s “Another feather in your cap”? 3 seconds? Less?
At least there wound up being some karmic justice as the one guy who didn’t make a complete fool of himself — who likely knew the answer the whole time but kept getting screwed by unlucky spins — wound up being the contestant to win the round. ANOTHER FEATHER IN YOUR CAP, people. Not map, not lap, not dap, not rap, not fap, not zap — CAP!
RELATED: ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Contestant Stuns Viewers With One Of The Worst Guesses In The Show’s History