Shutterstock / MWesselPhoto
A two-day cannabis competition/festival known as the Harvest Cup took place last weekend in Worcester, Massachusetts. The 2-day expo and competition saw all sorts of vendors come out to celebrate the recreational legalization in the state of Massachusetts.
The highlight of the Harvest Cup festival (not to be confused with the High Times Cannabis Cup) was undoubtedly the 100-foot joint which many think could be a world record. The joint took over 3,000 yards of rolling papers to construct. 40 people helped roll the 100-foot-long joint. And when it was all said it done there were over 1,000 grams of cannabis in this single joint. It’s possible that there have been joints rolled at cannabis competitions in the past which included more than 1,000 grams but it’s almost unthinkable that a joint has been rolled in the past that was 100-feet-long like this one:
“First thought is, when do we get to smoke it? That thing is epic!” said Ali Kamran-Rad.
The 100-foot long joint is a big hit at the Harvest Cup in Worcester, Massachusetts.
“Honestly, I want to know who has lungs powerful enough to suck air all the way from that end to this end,” Patrick Brenton said.
“There’s a thousand grams of cannabis here!” one excited participant said.
“Finally, it feels like you’re in a community of people that, for years, were outcasts,” said Kamran-Rad. (via)
Outcasts? Really? You think that smoking pot has some ostracized you from society when people have been casually smoking weed since the 60’s and it’s been virtually legal in California forever since all it took to get your Medical Marijuana card was telling a doctor that you had trouble falling asleep? Nah, dude. You’re just loving the fact that you can smoke weed in front of others in public for the first time, and that’s still an obnoxious thing to do. Nobody’s like walking through someone else’s smoke cloud no matter if it’s weed, cigarettes, or cigars. As legalization takes hold across America please remember to be courteous and don’t ruin it for everybody.