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We’ve been seeing and hearing rumblings of a possible Amanda Bynes return to the spotlight over the past few months. From reports that Nickelodeon wants her back to Bynes sharing her first photo to Twitter in over a year it’s the most we’ve heard about her in years.
Then on Friday morning our suspicions were confirmed as Bynes spoke publicly in her first interview in four years with Hollyscoop’s Diana Madison portions of which aired today on Good Morning America.
Looking very healthy, the now 31-year-old, spoke about her past, present and future and revealed that she has been sober for three years now.
“I’ve been going to school lately, fashion school — FIDM. And I love it. I’ve learned how to sew, I’ve made patterns, and I want to start a clothing line in the future, so FIDM has been helping me with that,” Bynes told Madison. “Other than that I hike, I go spinning, I take spinning classes, and I feed the homeless. And that’s been really interesting and fun.”
So is there any truth to the rumors that Bynes who famously “retired” from acting in a tweet back in 2010 will be returning to her roots?
“I do miss acting, and I have something surprising to tell you: I’m going to start acting again,” revealed Bynes. “I want to do TV. Maybe a few guest spots on some shows that I’m a fan of and maybe another TV show where I’m the star of it, in the future. That’s what I hope.”
Of course, considering this was Bynes’ first interview in four years, Madison would have been remiss if she had not brought up Bynes very public meltdown including the tweet that started it all in which she said, “I want @drake to murder my vagina.”
Madison straight up asked Bynes if she meant what she said back then.
“I actually wasn’t being insincere. I was like saying, ‘Murder my vagina.’ I was serious, but I was also on drugs, so that was my way of saying, ‘Let’s do it, man.’ But I was on drugs and trying to be hilarious,” admitted Bynes. “He’s hot! What does that even mean? It just means, like, ‘Fuck me, Drake!'”
Well, that’s certainly a very honest answer. Good to have you back, Amanda.
Check out the rest of the fascinating interview below…
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