Amanda Bynes’ parents have responded to the charges of sexual abuse that
Bynes, earlier today, claimed to reveal on Twitter.
Amanda has since deleted the tweets, but here’s how they read…
Her parents have since responded to these awful accusations.
Lynn Bynes has released the following statement exclusively to Hollyscoop, through their lawyer Tamar Arminak:
“I am heartbroken today for my husband of 47 years. Rick has been the best father and husband a family can ask for. He has never abused Amanda or our other children physically or sexually. These accusations are absolutely horrible and could not be further from the truth! These allegations stem from Amanda’s mental state at the moment. They have no basis in reality. It saddens me beyond belief that my husband’s character could be slandered in such a way.”
Amanda, as we mentioned has deleted the worst of the tweets since this morning and is now claiming that a microchip in her brain caused her to say those horrible things about her dad.
It just gets more bizarre by the second and why her parents still haven’t been to New York before things like these tweets and other bizarre behavior continues to occur is a bit of a mystery.
Amanda Bynes image by s_bukley/Shutterstock