Blue Steel. It’s a six-part process apparently, and you’ve gotta’ be sure to completely clear your head. Wipe your mindscape. At least according to Ben Stiller. Stiller’s showin some aging grey streaks on top that dome, but the weathered actor’s career is about to enjoy a second wind with the upcoming release of ‘Zoolander 2.’ Up to this point the marketing campaign for ‘Zoolander 2’ hasn’t been anything too special. I mean, that whole botox-ridden Kristen Wiig bit was semi-interesting and so Grade A, horrifically superficial that it was almost captivating; but like, for the most part, not much anything to talk about. Elton John throwing down some blue steel might be just the boost this movie needed leading up to its big theatrical debut. Ugh. Mm. Look at that magic.
Although, a part-time cinephile homie can’t help but point out that ‘Deadpool‘ will probably all but eclipse rivaling ticket sales.
Ranking The Best Cameos From ‘Zoolander’