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In case you somehow missed it on Wednesday, one of the best things to happen on Twitter in ages was something called the #BowWowChallenge.
It was the result of rapper Bow Wow fronting on Instagram like he was going to take a private jet when in reality has was busted flying commercial.
As such, Twitter spent the rest of the day RELENTLESSLY trolling Bow Wow with their (fake) tales of wealth…
I grind for mines!!!!! I'm blessed. #BowWowChallenge pic.twitter.com/BGPJ1fJ2F6
— Khadi Don (@KhadiDon) May 10, 2017
WINNER!!! 😭 #BowWowChallenge https://t.co/gOyXAdp9Qc
— Legends (@LegendsofCH) May 10, 2017
Penthouse views. My hustle is non stop 😂 #BowwowChallenge #wtsp pic.twitter.com/nesQin8xYR
— Courtney Robinson (@CourtneyWTSP) May 10, 2017
Joey Tribbiani had the best #BowWowChallenge pic.twitter.com/C7QcQ4pa5W
— DM🅿️ (@miles_derek) May 11, 2017
You get the idea…
This isn’t the first time Bow Wow has been caught stretching the truth either…
That Bow Wow private jet tweet lie was definitely a doozy today, but for me nothing he lies about will EVER top The Bye Week Suite. pic.twitter.com/ZPT1avUn40
— Vaccine Shaw (@TheJazzyBelle) May 10, 2017
So, after being savagely dragged on Twitter all day, what did Bow Wow have to say about it?
Well, on Tuesday he spoke on a podcast with Hollywood Life and said this…
The thing with the Internet is — we live in a time where it’s a show and prove type of thing. A lot of people can’t take comments. A lot of people can’t take scrutiny. So therefore, as a man, I hope you have balls to stand up for yourself and fight for yourself. A guy like me, like today they put up a story about me not coming to New York in a private plane … but I know how I got to New York, you know what I mean? So it’s like … what do I have to prove? Like I’m not gonna get on my Instagram and make a one minute video … like for what? Cause then you’ll get comments like “You’re Bow Wow, you have nothing to prove.” So therefore, if you know who you are you’ve got nothing to prove.
Well, you do kind of have to prove that you, you know, don’t fly commercial when you claim to be flying on a private jet. Or buying mansions that you’re actually renting. Or attending NFL games that never took place. Other than that, I think you’re good.
Here’s a little more #BowWowChallenge because it’s just so good and still going strong…
Hittin' the trails this AM ⛰ #bowwowchallenge pic.twitter.com/jIvb5qYZoE
— Amy (@aemurphy17) May 10, 2017
Getting the helmets ready for the new season. #BowWowChallenge pic.twitter.com/2tpq03VV3u
— Philadelphia Eagles (@Eagles) May 10, 2017
Oh no they didn’t.
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