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Who among us has not at one point or well, many times, hasn’t fantasized about being able to score with a celebrity? It doesn’t matter that we have no chance whatsoever for it to actually happen, we still do it anyway. Surely, there is a solid psychological reason for it, but that’s not what we’re here to discuss today.
Today we’re here to discuss this poll of over 6,000 people from various countries taken by SleepCupid to see which celebrities people want to hit the sheets with the most.
One of the more interesting things about this poll is that they broke it out by various regions including the United States, the UK, Canada, Australia, Brazil and New Zealand.
By doing that it definitely shows that the saying “different strokes for different folks” is absolutely on the mark.
Oh yeah, they also didn’t limit it to women. Sorry, bros. They also list the celebrity men that women want to bang the most. That might actually be useful information when you really think about it though.
Anyway, on to the results…
Check out the rest of the poll results over at SleepCupid.