There’s something almost incestual about modern rock. Largely because the majority of modern rock that is worth listening to consists of the same guys that were famous 20 years ago splintered amongst new bands. And, since we all know how the world works, it’s very safe to assume that these guys probably shared everything: feelings, drugs, ideas, chicks, drugs, more chicks. And, spending so much time together, it’s fair to say that things got pretty weird. Just think back to how weird things used to get between you and your college roommate when you ran out things to talk about but still wanted to maintain the colorful roommate banter. Now add cocaine.
At the Weenie Roast Festival, KROQ sat down with Blink-182. During the discussion and before news came that lead singer Anthony Kiedis was hospitalized, KROQ asked Travis Barker about watching the Red Hot Chili Peppers set, which led to this revelation about an old tour when Blink, the Peppers and the Foo Fighters were all playing together.
Via Uproxx:
“When we were in Australia, Chad Smith would pee in Taylor Hawkins’ [electric] fan,” Barker remembered. “It was the worst practical joke ever. I don’t think he’d appreciate if I peed on his fan but if I can get onstage then I’ll try.”
Honestly, that’s a bit tame considering what I would expect when you get three rock bands together under one roof. At the same time, I can’t think of many things I would consider less pleasant than breathing in piss-laden air. You have to remember how abusive these guys were to their bodies. One night of drinking and a regular person is essentially pissing out orange whiskey. Their urine must have been like purple. I don’t even want to imagine the smell. All I can say is that I’m pretty sure this may be one of the first groups of men ever to thank God for enlarged prostates.
You can watch the entire interview below.