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It’s been four years since the most recent novel in A Song of Ice and Fire came out (A Dance with Dragons), and nearly a decade since we read anything about Sansa since her most recent chapters were in 2005’s A Feast for Crows. With such a large gap between book releases many have said that George R.R. Martin will probably die before he even finishes the series’ next installment The Winds of Winter, which honestly is pretty fair to say. The dude is 66 and he ain’t gettin’ any younger.
But fear not (or at least fear less), for Martin has released a Sansa chapter from The Winds of Winter. Now as readers, we can take this several ways:
- Martin is hard at work writing TWOW, yay!
- Ugh, a Sansa chapter? Barf.
- Well at least it’s fucking something.
I’m party to the 3rd option, personally, but I honestly would’ve preferred some Tyrion or Daenerys rather than an entire chapter that’s basically 10% medieval food porn. But hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?
You can click HERE to read the Sansa chapter from The Winds of Winter.
[Header image via Youtube]