Calling the upcoming Olympic games a shit-show is an understatement. The USA’s Basketball team is refusing to stay in the Olympic Village over safety concerns, the water is deadly, and overall it seems that the facilities are disgusting and potentially dangerous. The grossness as well as the dangerousness that is being associated with the Rio Olympics is perfectly summarized by this story about a Chinese journalist and his run in with a local in Rio.
According to the AIPS,
“On the evening of July 25th, Shi Dongpeng arrived in Rio with a cameraman at around 10:30 p.m. They went to their hotel in to Rio to check in. Both felt exhausted after a long flight journey from China.
All of a sudden, a local man rushed to Shi Dongpeng. He seemed drunk, and threw up over Shi before running away. Shi Dongpeng went to the restroom to clean up, while the cameraman ran out of the hotel to try to catch the drunk.
One minute later, when the cameraman came back, his full set of equipment was gone.”
Damn, while this wasn’t the first athlete who was robbed, I highly doubt that it will be the last. What makes the story even worse is after Shi Dongpeng and his photographer decided to head to the police station to report the crime, they realized that the station was filled with people who had been the victims of more serious robberies. Stories like this are why I’m glad that I’ll be able to watch the Olympics zika-free in the comfort of my own living room.