Twitter Composite
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: No swings, no hits.
If that little dweeb Danny O’Shea can beat his genetically superior brother Kevin down Cherry Hill just once, a 20-year-old marketing major at Mizzou can score a date with one of the hottest tennis players on the planet. (That is a Little Giants reference, and if you did not recognize that, I have no room for you in my circle of trust.)
We reported the day after the Super Bowl about Canadian tennis ace Genie Bouchard pompously tweeting out a premature declaration of the Falcons winning the Super Bowl when Atlanta was up 21-3, and how a dude named John Goehrke took full advantage of her celebrating before crossing the goal line.
Here’s the recap:
I knew Atlanta would win btw
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
if patriots win we go on a date?
— TW1 (@punslayintwoods) February 6, 2017
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
Then Tom Brady started being Tom Brady and the deficit began to shrink.
Umm…kinda… 😳 https://t.co/LDkMxvPrkx
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
As the Patriots pulled off the improbable overtime W, Genie owned up to her side of the bet.
So…where do you live? https://t.co/mfucQ0C9VL
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
Lesson learned. Never bet against Tom Brady 😇
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
The morning after, Genie was still processing the ordeal. Like most of us were.
Omg…last night really happened… pic.twitter.com/WVxdKPYV68
— Genie Bouchard (@geniebouchard) February 6, 2017
John Goehrke revealed the insanity that followed after realizing that he scored a date with a famous professional athlete.
“I’ve been a big fan of hers for a couple of years now and I was going through Twitter and it was only the second quarter when I saw her tweet,” Goehrke said. “I just thought to myself it’s not over. That idea kind of just popped in my head, so I went through with it.
“I thought maybe there was a chance she would respond, but I thought there was no chance she’d actually agree to it,” Goehrke told the Kansas City Star.
“Once the game ended, that’s when everything started blowing up.
“I started getting texts from my friends that knew. My Twitter started blowing up. It was the first time I had to start turning my notifications off.”
Genie continues to talk the talk about walking the walk.
“It’s fun and I’m going to follow through with it, because I want to honor my word,” the 22-year-old said.
“I’ll fly him out (to a tournament), but besides that he has to be the gentleman and, you know, organize a fun date night.”
You hear that, John. Gotta start planning for a memorable night?
UPDATE: As a commenter just pointed out, John has a lot of work to do in order to steal her from her boyfriend…
[h/t Mirror]