Emily Ratajkowski sat down with Vanity Fair to respond to fan tweets and handled it with ease, grace, and a little bit of saucy sass for dat ass.
You could tell this was not at the top of her list of things she wanted to do, but instead of coming off as a ratchet bitch, she maintained composure and channeled that silent fury into near-perfect replies.
It’s kind of unbelievable that she wants to be a Frankenstein’s monster. Like, I always thought of her look as unique, but to hear her rattle off her wish list of other lady parts is one part bananas, two parts cuckoo juice.
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EmRata recently wrote a very insightful and thought-provoking article for Glamour‘s October 2016 issue in which she addressed the industry double standard of haters labeling her a “desperate attention whore” and it’s worth your time and eyeballs. If you ain’t got the time to read, here are two excerpts that stood out to me:
“Look at pop culture: Mick Jagger is 73, and he still sometimes wears his shirt open and gyrates onstage. We understand that this is a part of his performance and artistic brand. Meanwhile, when Madonna, who is 58 and a revolutionary in that same kind of artistic sexuality, wears a sheer dress to the Met Gala, critics call her “a hot mess” who’s “desperate.” But isn’t she just making one of her signature political statements about female sexuality (and, incidentally, about our ageist, sexist culture too)? In any case, they are both performers who undoubtedly like attention. So why does Madonna get flak for it while Jagger is celebrated?”
Preach. And now, for some reason, I have this strange craving to see Mick Jagger and Madonna try to out-flirt each other.
“In August a young woman, Karina Vetrano, was raped and murdered while on a jog in Queens, New York. The New York Daily News published an article about “the brainy and beautiful victim,” including a selfie of Vetrano from her Instagram. One commenter said, “Poor girl yes. But she put herself out there like a Kardashian carbon copy.” Later he added, “If you’re going to be out there, be prepared for the attention, good and bad.” This is how far the attention accusation can go: It validates the idea that this woman’s actions—wearing makeup, posting selfies—might have contributed to her senseless murder. Would you have seen the same type of comment had the victim been male? Doubtful. Women should be allowed to be themselves and live the way they want to, just as Vetrano did.”
Why would anyone want to take this away from the world? Cue up the final scene from Scrooged starring Bill Murray and try not to sing along to “Put a little love in your heart”. If you can resist, you’re a psychopath.