California-native brothers/producers Hippie Sabotage were playing at Oregon’s What The Festival on Saturday, June 18th when tensions between the producers and security guards escalated to a fight. The duo is most likely known for their remix of Tove Lo’s Habbits (Stay High). An individual that witnessed the whole confrontation claimed:
“So right when they got on, the one with the beard started screaming ‘I DONT GIVE A FUCK’ over and over. The sound guy said something to him about it and he didn’t like it so he got in the sound guys face. They cut his mic after that so they started slamming the mics and jumping in the pool then back on the decks. That’s when security came to pull them off and this ensued.”
The incident, which was posted on Hippie Sabotage’s Facebook by the person who recorded the video, is full of comments from (ex) fans calling out the group for their unacceptable behavior. In fact, the top comment on their page is currently:
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure one of the core tenants of being a hippie involves not instigating fights and choking out security guards. I’ve seen many videos of power hungry security guards abusing their power at concerts, but I want to emphasize that in this example, that isn’t the case. Hippie Sabotage were acting incredibly unprofessional and were potentially causing harm to the festival attendees. It was the right call to cut their performance and the group’s response proves that they’re immature assholes. These guys are dirty fighters, and I hope they get blacklisted from more festivals because their behavior was completely inappropriate. But hey, at least the members of the group were man enough to own up for their behavior and apologize, right? The duo’s response to the situation was:
“It was an unfortunate event that placed us in an unsafe situation in the middle of our performance. We feel terrible that the fans didn’t get the full set, but we love performing for Portland and will be back.” – Hippie Sabotage
I really hope this is the last we’ve heard of these tools. Couldn’t have said it better myself.
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[h/t WHNT]