‘Home Alone’ Theory Involving Kevin McCallister’s Mom Selling Her Soul To Satan Is Equal Parts Insane And Brilliant

We’ve already covered Home Alone plot holes and we’ve showed you what Kevin McCallister’s house looks like present day, but have you read the insane fan theory proposed by Reddit user drewgarr that involves Kate McCallister selling her soul to the devil in order to make it home to her son?

During a Christmas movie Marathon , I started rewatching home alone 1. The movie is filled with great memories and scenes , but one thing that I think has been overlooked is that Kate Mccallister actually sold her soul to get home to Chicago .
First let me point out the scene about the 1:04 mark:

Notice in this scene , just as she says “If I have to sell my soul to the devil himself ” it is that we now see Gus take notice of Kate and approach her before the airline rep can further help her, in anyway possible.

So what makes me think he is the devil, or a deal demon? My evidence is the location. The Scranton airport. More specifically the crossroads located right at the airport:

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At this point I want to point out the myth regarding the crossroads demon. In a nutshell it means that you can give an offering to the devil (in this case her soul) near a cross roads, the devil will show up and deliver it in exchange for the offering. It is after this scene that Gus offers Kate a ride to Chicago ( to what she was willing to sell her soul for) to which she agrees to, essentially selling her soul. It is at this moment Gus smiles and points out to his friend renting the van, showing her he is honoring his side of deal since she already put up her side (already agreed to a ride for her soul). It is here where she says “Yes” and the next scene we see that she did in fact accept the ride:


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One last piece of evidence that I have found is Gus choice of instrument. Sure it’s not as obvious as a fiddle, instead it’s a woodwind instrument:

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There are some references in the bible that one of the instruments are created and favored by the devil (my understanding at least).

Whether or not you lend any credence to this theory is up to you, however to me it makes the movie 500x more fun. Satan’s stalking the mother of a child who is single-handedly beating the shit out of a bunch of burglars back home? Something tells me the next theory is going to involve Kevin being the spawn of Satan himself, and Satan spawn is something I can always get behind. Always.

[H/T Reddit & MTV News]