Jimmy Kimmel Has A Message For The Hunter Who Shot And Killed Cecil The Lion

Yesterday the Internet’s collective stomach started to churn over the sick killing of one of Africa’s most beloved lions, Cecil the Lion, by a dentist on a hunting trip from Minnesota. Last night Jimmy Kimmel put James Palmer of in the crosshairs in the monologue of his show, publicly shaming him by saying what a lot of people are already thinking:

He concludes with this money shot:

It’s a powerful message. At the end, Kimmel was moved to tears while asking the audience to donate money to WildCRU, the Oxford organization was tracking Cecil for scientific research.

Meanwhile, the two Zimbabweans who took Palmer on the $50,000 hunt have been arrested and will face charges, according to CNN. Palmer also might face charges in Zimbabwe for illegally killing the animal.

[H/T: Mic]

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at brandonwenerd.com. Email: brandon@brobible.com