Jimmy Fallon Took ‘The Tonight Show’ Back To Cali With LL Cool J Last Night


Jimmy Fallon pulls out all the stops with The Roots in this lil music video made in honor of ‘The Tonight Show’ returning to Cali for a week. Just when you think Fallon going back to Cali was as good as it was gonna’ get, LL Cool J drops in to lay down a few lines. Yes, LL Cool J was a very busy man on February 15th. LL Cool J managed to swing a drive-by appearance to rap alongside Fallon, after helping out with hosting at The Grammys.

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How about those Grammys? What a night is right: from T-Swift chucking mad shade at Kanye West who’s busy begging for $1 billion Zuckerbucks, to Lady Gaga’s surreal trip of a David Bowie-inspired performance; and that whole wtf is Johnny Depp doing up on stage looking like a burnout rockstar moment–it was a night, not to be missed. I’m just grateful Cool J managed to scrap together enough time to help Fallon pull off one of his better performances since Fallon’s ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’ opening.

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