It appears that Call of Duty is taking a break from their futuristic warfare and going back to their origins and back in time. Leaked images are said to be of the upcoming Activision game which is rumored to take place in World War II.
Recent Call of Duty games, such as Modern Warfare 3 and Infinite Warfare, were set in the future. But possibly seeing the massive success that Battlefied had with their World War I-based game may have forced Activision to make another blast from the past. The first Call of Duty games in the franchise were set during World War II and the leaked photos suggest they’re going back.
From The Verge:
An anonymous individual sent Spiderlaw, of the YouTube channel TheFamilyVideoGamers, a series of promotional images supposedly from someone “close to the project over at Sledgehammer.” The images appear to be marketing concepts for a game called Call of Duty: WWII, and show off scenes from the Allied landings at Normandy in 1944.
This is not surprising since Activision announced that it would be taking Call of Duty “back to its roots” during an earnings call in February.
The timing also makes sense since Activision typically reveals their newest Call of Duty installment in April or May.
The game is rumored to have the title of “Call of Duty: WWII.”