This whole Cersei Lannister – Lena Headey nude scene for Game of Thrones has evolved into the biggest television mystery of the year and new information just added fuel to that fire.
The question on everyone’s mind? Is Lena Headey, aka Cersei Lannister, actually going to be nude in the scene or will it be a body double? We’ve heard both mentioned, but the fact that TMZ now reports that it cost $200,000 to shoot the scene, mostly because of all the bodyguards they had to hire makes one wonder why they would go to such great lengths if it was just a body double being filmed. Plus, so far we’ve only seen one unnamed source say it will be a body double instead of Headey herself.
According to our GoT spies … more than 200 security guards were hired to protect the set while shooting the “Walk of Shame” scene — where Lena’s character Cersei walks stark naked out of a church and through town. We’re told the 4-day shoot in Croatia got so pricey because of the added crew — and producers having to pay local shop owners to shut down and leave the area.
Cell phones were banned on set so photos wouldn’t get leaked (oops!) — and everyone signed confidentiality agreements that threatened $250,000 lawsuits for violators.
That’s a buttload of covertness for a body double, don’t you think? Also, there’s this…
As for who actually witnessed Lena, au naturel — we’re told only 4 key crew members were present for the unveiling.
Key words there: “witnessed Lena, au naturel.”
That SURE doesn’t sound like a body double, plus it goes against the photo that sources were claiming were of the the scene with dozens of people on the street surrounding Headey, not just four crew members.
So will Lena Headey be naked in the most eagerly anticipated nude scene Game of Thrones has ever seen? If not, they sure spent a shitton of money to keep the body double’s birthday suit a secret.
Lena Headey image by Helga Esteb/Shutterstock