We’ve ranked Don Draper’s pitches on Mad Men to sort out which concept the slick ad man sold the best. Anyone who doubts the power of advertising should give Draper’s takes on everyday products a look-see.
It’s been a year since Mad Men‘s last episode and I’m not butt-hurt that I decided to binge watch the series and catch up right before the finale. Let’s just say I’d like to buy Don Draper a Coke… which I’d spike with rum because I welcome mania and chaos.
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For me, I thought something drastic would happen to Don in that last episode, it had all the makings of Draper meeting his maker. Then, it ends and I’m like “Huh, that was fitting buuuuuut there’s a lot more left in Don’s tank”. Sure, maybe he finds inner peace and doesn’t self-destruct anymore, but does the wizardry just dry up? Fortunately, someone created the ’80s Don Draper Twitter account to keep the creative alive.
While Don’s drinking and slinking around with mad women kept viewers coming back for more – check out our rankings of Don’s relationships for more of that – it was Draper’s poignant creative pitches to clients that had people itchin’ for more. Talk about getting transported out of the conference room into another universe. My man could make a pen sound life-changing. And yet, old white dudes still denied his ideas.
Jon Hamm voices those Mercedes-Benz commercials and you get the sense that he definitely pitched them something different and MB’s execs were like ‘This is real life. You’re not really Don Draper.’ Why wouldn’t you go full-on Don for those spots?