Technically, Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips announced the totally nude concert featuring Miley Cyrus, but that’s really splitting hairs at this point since they’re so tight. Cyrus has even been quoted once as saying, “I am 100 percent in love with Wayne, and Wayne is in love with me, but it’s nothing sexual in any way. That would be the grossest.” So we’ll take him at his word.
In an Instagram post Coyne announced, “Oh fuck..!!! @mileycyrus is planning a show where her, the band (us) and the audience are all COMPLETELY naked with milk (well white stuff that looks like milk) is being being spewed everywhere .. It’s a video (in the works) for #mileycyrusandherdeadpetz song The Milky Milky Milk…”
I think I am going to want to watch this video.
No word on where or when this nude concert will be taking place yet, but as for that Dead Petz Tour Coyne was speaking of, yeah, it’s already sold out…